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Donaghadee, Co. Down.—About three in the morning on the 15th of March, 1950, the Orlock Head coastguard tele- phoned that red flares had been seen to the eastward. A quarter of an hour later the life-boat Civil Service No. 5 left her moorings in a choppy sea with a southerly wind blowing. On her way she saw a flare in the direction of Mew Island, and on getting into touch with Copeland Island Lighthouse learned that one of the keepers had met with an accident. The life-boat could not go close in to the lighthouse, so she went back to Donaghadee for a small boat and a relief keeper. On her return it was discovered that the keeper had fallen into an old gas holder and been drowned. The life-boat therefore put the relief keeper on the lighthouse and landed the body at Donaghadee by eight o'clock. The Commissioners of the Irish Lights expressed their thanks.

—Rewards, £16 15s. Od..