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Jane and Maid of Erin

Fleetwood, Lancashire.—At 11.45 on the night of the 16th of April, 1950, the county police reported a message received from a returning fishing boat, that flares had been seen in Lune Deep about four miles west of Wyre Light.

At 12.30 in the morning the life-boat Ann Letitia Russell was launched in a rough sea, with a strong south-westerly breeze blowing. However, she saw nothing and at 5.30 returned to her station to await daylight. At 6.30 the local fishing boat Jane was seen anchored on East Barnards Bank. The life-boat then put out again and towed her to harbour. It was learned later that the flares had been made by the fishing boat Maid of Erin, which had broken down but managed to reach harbour.—Rewards, £18 185..