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Income and Expenditure for 1949

1948 £ *. d.

148,673 4 1 360 4 2 .47,180 13 3 143 7 11 32,729 2 1 14,801 14 7 1,039 17 11 2,010 4 6 246,938 8 6 20,782 15 - 41 - - 2,165 17 6 2,652 4 6 1,816 6 5 181 2 6 27,639 5 11 27,042 18 8 23,516 4 7 198 18 10 50,758 2 1 55,761 13 1 7,997 16 6 38,018 5 8 541 16 10 601 5 2 47,159 4 2 23,869 15 6 1,234 3 - 535 4 8 25,639 3 2 11,694 9 2 1,415 19 4 72,595 10 8 8,075 18 10 6,120 10 11 5,069 - 2 1,242 10 6 10( 213 19 7~ 560,109 16 6 Expenditure.

Life-boats:— £ s. d.

New Life-boats for the following Stations: On account— Anstruther, Arbroath, Barmouth, Bridlington, Buckie, Clogher Head, Clovelly, Donaghadee, Dover, Eastbourne, Hastings, Holyhead, Lytham, Minehead, New Brighton, New Quay (Card.), Newbiggin, Newcastle (Co. Down), Porthdinllaen, Portrush, Ramsey, Rhyl, St. Abbs,. St. Helier, St. Ives, Scarborough, Seaham, Sennen Cove, Swanage, Teesmouth, and materials for future building - - - - - 1 8 3 , 7 4 2 6 4 Upkeep of Cowes Office and Store - - - - 289 10 6 Alterations and Repairs to Life-boats - - - - 59,169 4 3 Consulting Naval Architect - - - - - 173 15 10 Salaries of Superintendent Engineer, Deputy Superintendent Engineer, Surveyors, Assistant Surveyors of Life-boats and Machinery, Draughtsmen, and Clerical Staff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34,005 5 4 Travelling Expenses - - - - - - - 16,391 1 - Pensions under the Pension Scheme - - - - 880 11 6 Contributions to 1938 Pension Scheme - 2,256 19 6 s. d Life-boat Carriages and Tractors:— New Tractors - - - - - - - - 31,431 18 10 Alterations and Repairs to Life-boat Carriages - - 119 4 11 Repairs to Tractors - - - - - - - 842 11 5 Salaries of Assistant Surveyor of Carriages, and Tractor Engineers _ _ _ _ _ - - _ 2,439 7 2 Travelling Expenses - - - - - - - 1,680 6 5 Contributions to 1938 Pension Scheme - - - 168 - - -296,908 14 3 Life-boat Houses and Slipways:— New Construction and Adaptation Repairs and Maintenance - - Pension under the Pension Scheme 36,681 8 9 - 27,767 16 2 - 23,094 1 1O 6 12 11 Life-boat Stores _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Life-boat Depot, including Rates, Insurance, Equipment and Repairs - - - - - - - 8,953 7 10 Salaries of Superintendent of Depot, Assistant, and Clerical Staff and Wages of Manual Workers - - 37,672 11 3 Pensions under the Pension Schemes - - - - 473 16 4 Contributions to 1938 Pension Scheme - 669 18 - 50,868 10 11 58,533 7 1 Payments in Connexion with Life-boat Stations, such as Repainting and other Small Repairs to Life-boats, Life-boat Carriages, and Life-boat Houses, done locally; Conveyance of Boats, Carriages and Stores; Postages, etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26,609 5 2 Insurance under National Insurance Acts and against claims at Common Law — — — — — — 2,818 6 2 Salaries of Assistant Secretaries, etc., of Stations - - 515 16 1 47,769 13 5 Wages, Rewards and Other Payments to Coxswains, Motor Mechanics and Crews:— Cost of Wreck Services, including Rewards to Life-boat Crews and others, Special Rewards and Recognitions, Medals a n d Vellums _ _ _ _ _ _ n,241 1 2 4 Grants to men injured in the Life-boat service — — 1,085 18 6 Fees of Coxswains, Bowmen and Signalmen, Wages of Motor Mechanics, etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ 77,672 1 2 8 Payments to Life-boat Crews and Launchers for exercises 8,352 3 6 Annuities and Gratuities under the Regulations to Coxswains, Bowmen, Signalmen, Part Time and Assistant Motor Mechanics - - - _ _ _ _ 5,831 1 2 5 Pensions and Grants to Relatives of deceased life-boatm e n a n d others _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4,717 l 10 Pensions and Gratuities under the Pension Scheme to Expermanent Crews of Life-boats - 1,566 12 10 29,943 7 5 Carried forward -110,467 14 1 631,172 15 111948 7,672 13 8 6,731 1 4 21,711 8 - 13,579 2 6 36,681 2 2 140,812 18 - 1,550 - - 343 11 10 12,646 9 3 3,474 5 1 245,202 11 10 Income.

Subscriptions, Donations, etc.:— General Subscriptions to Headquarters - - „ „ through Station Branches - „ „ through Financial Branches „ Donations to Headquarters - - - ,, „ through Station Branches - „ „ through Financial Branches - £ s. d.

7,316 1 8 6,890 17 7 19,612 8 11 14,317 10 8 38,653 2 1 -127,781 6 Contributions from Harbour Authorities towards upkeep o f Life-boat Stations _ _ _ _ _ _ 2,050 - - Contribution Boxes to Headquarters - - - - 228 4 7 „ through Station Branches - - 13,003 17 9 „ „ through Financial Branches - - 3,400 5 4 s. d.

-233,253 15 2 1,846 6 208 5 2,054 11 Life-rboat Funds:— Civil Service Life-boat Fund (per C. H. Barrett, Esq.) in respect of the following Life-boat Establishments:— Blyth, Donaghadee, Hartlepool, Margate, Portrush, St. David's, Southend-on-Sea and Walmer - - 5,824 4 7 Bevan Reward Fund (per the Charity Commissioners) - 208 5 - 6,032 9 7 58,910 18 8 1,010 5 6 628 2 10 1,638 8 4 57,272 10 4 9,489 17 11 66,762 8 3 Income from Investments:— Dividends and Interest on Investments (less £5,838 4s. 5d. tax) '- Less—• Interest on certain Trust Funds transferred to Special Purposes Fund — Interest on certain Endowment Funds transferred to General Subscriptions etc. (in accordance with the directions of the respective donors) - _ 60,783 16 1 £ s. d.

1,159 11 3 688 2 3 1,847 13 6 Income Tax recovered on Dividends 58,936 2 7 - 7,840 17 - 66,776 19 7 814,019 11 1 Carried forward 306,063 4 41948 £ 560,109 12,929 3,531 486 802 17,749 2,691 8,385 3,196 2,707 861 1,736 1,507 1,130 937 12,076 6,038 6,038 3,520 393 979 203 19,519 362 10,2 2 14,696 2,748 171 12,254 16,689 1,414 4,915 1,163 6,038 70,304 670,'737 52,514 96,158 148,673 22,375 171,049 1499,688 s. d.

16 6 15 11 2 10 4 1 14 6 17 4 1 6 7 5 5 5 6 8 3 - 12 4 1 10 8 8 13 1 11 _ 5 6 5 6 4 6 15 _ 1 4 — — 13 9 8 9 17 8 - 7 12 _ 5 3 2 3 16 1 18 6 2 4 11 - 5 6 11 2 9 - 16 7 7 6 4 1 18 6 2 7 6 5 Expenditure.

Brought forward — — — — — Life-boat Inspectors : — Salaries of Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspector, Inspectors of Life-boats and Clerical Staff - Travelling Expenses _ _ _ _ _ _ Pensions under the Pension Scheme - - - - Contributions to 1938 Pension Schenfe - - - Rates and Repairs of Mechanics' Cottages, etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Administration : — One half of Salaries of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Accountant and Clerical Staff Rent, Depreciation, Rates, Lighting, £ s. d.

Heating, Insurance, etc., of the House of the Institution _ _ - _ 2,482 13 4 Insurance under National Insurance Acts and against claims at Common Law — 2,951 11 7 Commissionaires — — — — 997 7 8 Telephones, Postages and Parcels _ 1,710 6 2 Pensions under the Pension Scheme _ 1,767 17 2 Travelling and other Expenses of Chairman and Committee of Management- 1,189 1 1 Contributions to 1938 Pension Scheme 1,105 10 10 12,204 7 10 Less estimated amount chargeable to raising of funds and publicity - - 6,102 3 11 Stationery, Office Expenses, Printing, Books, Circulars, Forms, etc. — _ — — — _ _ — Auditors' F e e _ _ — _ _ - — - L a w Expenses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Repairs and Improvements to the House of the Institution _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grants in Connexion with Certain General - - Legacies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expenses Connected with Raising of Funds and Publicity : — One half of Salaries of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Accountant and Clerical Staff (as above), and Salaries of Publicity Secretary and Clerk - Salaries of District Organizing Secretaries and Clerical Staff _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ Travelling expenses of District Organizing Secretaries — Annual General Meeting _ _ _ _ _ _ Advertising a n d Appeals _ _ _ - _ - Stationery, Printing, Books, Circulars, Forms, Badges, Collecting Boxes, Postages _ _ _ _ _ Printing and Binding the Annual Report and Life-boat Journal — — — _ . _ — _ _ Salaries and Commissions of Assistant Secretaries, etc. of Branches _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Contributions to 1938 Pension Scheme — — — £ 13,616 3,632 421 830 8,995 6 i no 7,100 393 769 3,456 10,812 15,865 2,872 200 12,820 16,327 2,706 4,713 1,186 Estimated proportion of Administration Expenses as above 6,102 Total Expenditure _ _ _ _ _ Deduct: — Expenditure on new Life-boats included in this account borne by: — Gifts and Legacies for special purposes — — — Reserve for Replacement of Life-boats - - Other expenditure included in this account borne by Special Gifts a n d Legacies _ _ _ _ _ 52,615 131,127 183,742 21,616 S.

13 18 8 - 15 2 15 1 19 19 4 11 11 11 11 15 3 12 3 5 - 6 5 d. £ s.

631,172 15 5 1 8 6 ' 1,679 12 10 11 — 2 11 26 817 18 117 2 9 4 8 3 1 8 1 3 8 11 73 608 4 751,896 14 9 7 4 6 l/O, GOO JLt, £546,538 2 c 1 - 8 - 1ft -1U 2THE LIFE-BOAT 75 Income Brought forward — — Sundry Receipts:— Sale of old Stores - Rentals of Freehold and Leasehold Premises d. £ s. d.

306,063 4 4 - 1,842 17 4 - 1,249 5 6 Supervision Fees re Construction of Life-boats for Belgian Government — — — — — — — — 1 645 — - 4,737 2 1O Total Ordinary Income 310,800 7 2 .5,029 1 7 Legacies for General Purposes 218,307 15 3 Total Income for General Purposes — - 529,108 2 5 529,108 2 5 Gifts and Legacies for Special purposes transferred to Funds:— General Endowment:— Legacies - - Special Gift £ s. d.

3,079 10 3 50 - - 3,129 10 3 Special Purposes and Maintenance:— Legacies _ _ _ _ _ 38,819 9 1 Special Gifts - 6,580 17 7 45,400 6 8 Total Income _ £577,637 19 4 1,588 11 4 Deduct :— Amount transferred to Reserve for Replacement of 0,000 _ - -, Life-boats _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100,000 - - 429,108 2 5 Transfer from General Purposes Fund to cover excess of expenditure, not borne by special funds, over income for general purposes - — — — - 117,429 19 NOTE.—This account includes the receipts and disbursements of the Headquarters of the Institution for the year to 31st December, 1949, and of the Branches for the year to 30th September, 1949.

£546,538 2 2.