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The S.S. Florence Cook

Donaghadee, Co. Down.—At about four o'clock in the morning of the 19th of December, 1949, the Bangor coast- guard telephoned that a vessel was in distress at Ballymacormack Point. At 4.25 the life-boat Civil Service No. 5 was launched in a very rough sea with a westerly gale blowing, and found the S.S. Florence Cook, of Sunderland, loaded with explosives, aground. The master said that as the tide was rising he would try and get off, and asked the life-boat to stand by. The steamer then succeeded in refloating, and went on her way to Belfast Lough. The life-boat returned to her station, arriv- ing at 7.15. The master and crew ex- pressed their thanks.—Rewards, £9 7s.