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The S.S. Ardachy

Troon, Ayrshire.—At 6.15 on the night of the 28th of December, 1949, the Troon pilots telephoned that the Irvine pilots had reported a steamer ashore on the north side of Irvine Bay.

At 6.40 the life-boat Sir David Rich- mond, of Glasgow left her moorings and, in a rough sea, with a fresh south- westerly breeze and showers of sleet, found the S.S. Ardachy, of Glasgow.

She was in shoal water a hundred yards north of Irvine harbour. The life- boat twice bumped the bottom getting to her, but rescued her crew of eight by breeches buoy and took them to Irvine. She reached her station again at 9.5.—Rewards, £9 7s..