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The Mersey Dock Board No. 4 Pilot Boat

Moelfre, Anglesey.—About ten o'clock on the night of the 16th of January, 1950, the Holyhead coastguard tele- phoned that the Mersey Dock Board No. 4 Pilot Boat had struck a sub- merged object in Moelfre Bay and was in need of help. At 10.10, therefore, the life-boat G.W. was launched. A north-north-westerly gale was blowing with a rough sea, and the night was dark and cold. After a short time the distress call was cancelled, but before the life-boat got back to her station she picked up a wireless signal. She also noticed a searchlight turned on from the pilot boat. Going to her, the G.W.

found that she had struck a rock near Moelfre Island. One of her crew had been crushed and killed between the pilot boat and one of her ship's boats, and another man who had been injured needed a doctor. The life-boat brought out a doctor and after returning him ashore, stood by at the Master's request until daylight. The body was landed at nine o'clock. The Master expressed his appreciation.—Rewards, £34 6s.