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Shirley Williamson

Scarborough, Yorkshire.—At 1.40 in the afternoon on the 22nd of December 1949, the wife of the owner of the motor fishing boat Shirley Williamson picked up a radio distress call from her hus- band's boat. It was about eight miles north-east of Scarborough, disabled by an engine breakdown and leaking; and did not expect to keep afloat for long.

The life-boat Herbert Joy II was therefore launched at 1.55 in a mod- erate sea with a light south-westerly breeze blowing. She found the Shirley Williamson in tow of the Floreat II, which had taken the crew aboard.

Together with another fishing boat— the Pilot Me—the life-boat helped to tow the casualty to Scarborough, arriving there at 4.20 in the afternoon.

—Rewards, £13 17s..