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Nyria and the Wherry Silver Cloud

Ramsgate, Kent.—At 8.5 in the morn- ing of the 3rd of December, 1949, the pier shore attandant reported that a boat in which a man was waving ap- peared to be in difficulties in Pegwell Bay. The life-boat Prudential left her moorings at 8.15 in a rough sea, with a strong west-south-west breeze blow- ing. She found the local motor boat Nyria anchored in Sandwich Bay with the wherry Silver Cloud in tow, laden with shrimping gear. The Nyria's engine was out of action through flood- ing, and her crew of two were baling.

The life-boat towed both boats to Ramsgate harbour and reached her station again at nine o'clock.—Re- wards, £8 125. 6d..