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Thurso, Caithness-shire.—At half past ten on the morning of the 1st of Febru- ary, 1950 the honorary secretary of the Wick life-boat station telephoned that a doctor wanted to be conveyed to Stroma, where medical aid was urgently needed. He asked whether the Thurso life-boat could go as in this bad weather it would be imprudent for the Wick boat to be absent from her station on such a mission. A full south-easterly gale was blowing with a very rough sea, and the weather was described as filthy. It was decided to launch the Thurso life-boat H.C.J. and so, with the doctor on board, she left at 1.15 in the afternoon. The life-boat put the doctor ashore on Stroma and stood by, but after two hours it was con- sidered too dangerous to re-embark him. She therefore returned without him, arriving in Scrabster Harbour at ten o'clock that night. Half an hour later the Wick coastguard sent a message that the life-boat would be needed at Stroma at nine o'clock the following morning. Accordingly she slipped her moorings at 7.45 on the 2nd of February and set out once more for Stroma. She reached the island two hours later, and taking the doctor aboard, returned to her station by 11.45.—Rewards: £19 9s. 6d and £17 9s. 6d..