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St. David's, Pembrokeshire.—At 8.40 On the night of the 16th of December, 1949, the Trinity House Superintendent, Holyhead, asked the life-boat to land a sick man from the South Bishop lighthouse. At 8.45 the life-boat crew assembled and wirelessed the light- house for weather conditions. They learned that no landing was possible in the very rough seas, and the life- boatmen were dismissed. Next day the weather was still bad, but at 9.10 on Sunday morning the 18th, the light- house wirelessed that the seas were now less rough. At 9.45, therefore, the life-boat Civil Service No. 6, accom- panied by the honorary secretary, Dr.

Joseph Soar, M.B.E., Mus.Doc., was launched. Although the sea was moder- ate, there was a fresh south-westerly breeze, and she got alongside the light- house with great difficulty. The sick man climbed down a rope ladder and jumped board. He was exhausted.

The life-boat took him to her station (arriving at 11.30) where he was trans- ferred to a waiting ambulance.—No expense to Institution..