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Little Old Lady

Dungeness, Kent.—At 10.10 in the morning of the 2nd of February, 1950, the Jury Gap coastguard telephoned that a fishing boat was burning a flare and flying a large ensign two miles south of the Gap. Most of the life- boatmen were out fishing, but the mechanic attracted the attention of the second coxswain, who happened to be close inshore. Coming ashore, he took charge of the life-boat, Charles Cooper Henderson, which, manned by a scratch crew, was launched at 10.35 in a moderate sea with a strong south- erly breeze blowing. She found the fishing smack Little Old Lady of Shoreham, with a crew of four, five miles west of the life-boat station.

She was anchored, but dragging. The life-boat towed her to Rye and reached her station again at 2.30 that after- noon.—Rewards, £34 18s..