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Berwick-on-Tweed, Northumberland.— At 9.35 in the night of the 23rd of December, 1949, a wireless message was picked up at St. Abbs from the steam trawler Arlette, of Grimsby. She was making for Berwick to land a man with a poisoned arm. The St. Abbs life- boat honorary secretary telephoned the Berwick coastguard, who told the Berwick life-boat authorities at 10.40.

The tide was too low for a local boat to put out, so at 11.1 the life-boat J. and W. was launched, with a doctor onboard. There was a moderate south- westerly breeze, with a slight sea.

The life-boat found the Arlette half a mile north-east of Berwick lighthouse and took the sick man on board, land- ing him at 11.35. The doctor then took him to Berwick Infirmary.—• Rewards, £9 4s..