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The S.S. Suntrap

Cromer, Norfolk. — At 1.57 in the afternoon of the 19th of November, 1949, the coastguard- telephoned that the S.S. Suntrap, of London, had sig- nalled that she would arrive off Cromer about 3.15 and had asked for the life- boat to land a seriously injured man.

A light south-south-east breeze was blowing with a slight sea when the No. 1 life-boat Henry Blogg, with a doctor on board, was launched at three o'clock. She came up with the Suntrap three and a haJf miles to the north-east and the doctor went aboard. The man, who had concussion and severe head injuries, was taken into the life- boat, which landed him at her station at 4.20.—Rewards, £9 12s..