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The S.S. Africa Occidental

Ramsgate, Kent. — At 6.45 on the evening of the 20th of October, 1949, the coastguard reported that the North Goodwin Lightvessel had fired guns to warn a vessel approaching the Sands.

A few minutes later the vessel was reported to be aground on the North Goodwin Sands, two and a half miles south-west by south from the light- vessel. The- life-boat Prudential was launched at 7.10 in a rough sea, with a moderate west-south-west gale blow- ing and found the S.S. Africa Ocidental, of Lisbon, bound, laden, from Middles- brough to Portugal. The steamer, which was in charge of a North Sea Pilot, had an anchor down, but this ceased to hold as the tide rose. Ad- vised by the life-boatmen who boarded her the pilot manoeuvred the steamer into a position where the anchor could be lifted. The Africa Ocidenial was then guided clear of sandbanks and eventually taken to a safe anchorage in The Downs. The life-boat reached her station again ten minutes before midnight.—Property Salvage Case..