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The Sailing Boat Berlin

Falmouth, Cornwall.—At one o'clock in the afternoon of the 20th of Novem- ber, 1949, the St. Anthony coastguard reported that a sailing boat was making for Portscatho. The weather was bad and she was in a dangerous position.

The life-boat Crawford and Constance Conybeare was launched therefore. at 1.30 and in a rough sea, with a fresh south-south-we t breeze, found the sailing boat Berlin, of Germany, at anchor off Porthscatho, with a man and his daughter on board. The boat was dragging and driving inshore, so thelife-boat rescued the two people and towed the Berlin itself to Falmouth harbour, arriving at 4 o'clock. The Germans had intended to sail to South America.—Rewards, £9 3*. 6d..