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The Duchess of Kent at the Depot (1)

THE Duchess of Kent, President of the Institution, visited the Institution's depot at Boreham Wood on the 9th of November. She was received by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the committee of management, Colonel A. D. Burnett Brown, M.C., T.D., M.A., the Secretary of the Institution, Com- mander P. E. Vaux, D.S.C., R.N., chief inspector of life-boats, Commander J. M. Upton, R.D., R.N.R., superin- tendent of the depot, and Mr. A. W.

Stephens, the depot foreman.

The Duchess visited every depart- ment: the publicity store, the paint- shop, the rigging loft, the carpenter's shop, the return store, the heavy store, the light store, the despatch depart- ment, the examination department, the machine shop, the canteen, the offices of the clerical staff, and the cottages where the foreman, chief storesman and shop-foreman live. In each depart- ment the principal members of the staff were presented to her, and she was pre- sented with a bell-rope made in the rigging loft and a pair of brass candle- sticks made in the machine shop.

After the inspection the Duchess took tea with Sir Godfrey Baring and the officials of the Institution, and saw the life-boat Mary Theresa Boileau which had just returned from the Lord Mayor's Procession..