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Susan Vittery

New Brighton, Cheshire.—At 3.10 in the afternoon of the 2nd of September, 1949, the Formby coastguard reported that there appeared to be a three- masted schooner on the revetment, abreast of C.13 buoy River Mersey.

Accordingly the No. 1 life-boat, William and Kate Johnston, left her moorings at 3.32.. A strong south-easterly breeze was. blowing, _and the sea was choppy.

The life-boat found that the schooner— the Susan Vittery, of Cork—had re- floated and was at anchor. The Crosby lightvessel, on request, wirelessed to the shore for a tug, and at the master's request, the life-boat stood by the Susan Vittery until it took her in tow and escorted her to a safe anchorage.

The life-boat returned to her station at 7.55 that evening.—Rewards, £9 195..