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Naming Ceremonies (1)

EIGHT new motor life-boats were named during the summer of 1949, two on the English coast, at Swanage and East- bourne, three on the Welsh coast, at New Quay (Cardigan), Barmouth, and Porthdinllaen, two in Northern Ireland, at Portrush and Newcastle (Co. Down), and one in the Isle of Man, at Ramsey.

Swanage The new boat has been built out of a legacy from the late Mrs. Alice Pugh, of Kensington, London. She is a 41-feet Watson cabin boat and is the seventh life-boat to be stationed at Swanage. The naming ceremony took place on the 18th of June. Dr. G. W. S.

de Jersey, chairman of the branch, pre- sided, and Captain G. R. Cousins, D.S.C., R.N., district inspector of life- boats, described the life-boat. Dr. A.

McCall, on behalf of the donor, pre- sented her to the Institution and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the Committee of Management, received her and- handed her over to Swanage, on whose behalf she was accepted by Dr. de Jersey.

The Archdeacon of Dorset (the Vener- able L. Addison, M.A.), assisted by the Rev. M. de Burgh Scott and the Rev.

Stanley Smith, dedicated the life-boat, and Lady Baring named her R.L.P.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Councillor F. Holmes, J.P., chairman of the Swanage Urban District Council, and seconded by Mr. A. R. Dickinson, district organising secretary, and the life-boat was launched.

New Quay, Cardigan The new boat is a gift to the Institu- tion from the citizens of St. Albans, who in 1945 raised a-special fund to cele- brate the silver jubilee of the St.

Albans branch. She is a 35 feet 6 inches Liverpool boat, and is the fifth to be stationed at New Quay. Dr. Roger Griffiths, chairman of the branch, pre- sided, and Commander E. W. Middleton, V.R.D., R.N.V.R., the district inspector of life-boats described the boat. Mr.

J. F. Bushell, a former Mayor of St.

Albans, presented her to the Institu- tion, and Captain Guy D. Fanshawe, R.N., a vice-president of the Institu- tion, accepted her and handed her to New Quay, on whose behalf she was received by Mr. Alastair Graham, president of the branch.

The Archbishop of Wales (the Most Rev. D. L. Prosser, D.D.) dedicated the life-boat, assisted by the Rev. D. A.

Thomas, M.A., rectof of New Quay and the Rev. Victor Thomas, B.A. The singing was led by the New Quay United Choir. Miss Lucy Silvester, deputy-chairman and late honorary secretary of the St. Albans branch, then named the life-boat St. Albans and the boat was launched A vote of thanks was proposed by Councillor E. Price, chairman of the New Quay Urban District Council, and seconded by Mr. D. E. Thomas, a member of the committee of the branch, and Captain Fanshawe replied.

Barmouth The new life boat has been built out of a legacy from the late Mr.

Patrick Charles Peek, of Branksome Park, Dorsetshire. She is a 35 feet 6 inches Liverpool boat and is the seventh to be stationed at Barmouth.

The naming ceremony took place on the 6th of July. Colonel C. J. Lloyd Carson, C.B.E., D.L., president of the branch presided, and Commander E. W.

Middleton, V.R.D., R.N.V.R., district inspector of life-boats, described the boat. Commodore R. G. Clayton, D.S.C., R.D., R.N.R., a member of the committee of management of the Institution, handed over the life-boat to the branch and she was accepted by Mr. R. Llewellyn Owen, its chairman.

The Archdeacon of Merioneth (the Venerable David Jenkins) dedicated the life-boat, assisted by the Rev.

W. H. Wallis Thomas, M.A., and the Rev. E. Afonwy Williams. The sing- ing was led by the St. John's Church Choir. Mrs. H. M. Richards, of Caer- ynwch, then named the life-boat. The Chieftain.

Commodore Clayton made presenta- tions on behalf of the Institution: To Mrs. J. R. Heath, honorary secretaryof the Barmouth Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the vellum recording her appointment as an honorary life-governor of the Institution; to Captain G. B. Piggott, D.L., J.P., honorary secretary of the station, inscribed binoculars; to Cox- swain John E. Morris, a coxswain's certificate of service, and to Evan Jones, John Jones, Griffith Griffiths and Owen T. Morris, life-boatmen's certifi- cates of service, on their retirement from the crew.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Councillor M. G. Roberts, chairman of the Barmouth Urban District Council and seconded by Mrs. J. R. Heath.

Eastbourne The new boat is a gift to the Institu- tion from Sir Lyonel and Lady Tolle- mache, in memory of their daughter, Beryl Tollemache. She is a 41-feet Beach life-boat, built with a cabin, and is the ninth to be stationed at Eastbourne. The naming ceremony took place on the 14th of July. The Mayor of Eastbourne presided and the.

boat was described by Captain G. R.

Cousins, D.S.C., R.N., district inspector of life-boats. Sir Lyonel Tollemache, who is now ninety-six years old, was unfortunately prevented by ill-health from being present, and in his absence his son, Colonel H. T. Tollemache, pre- sented the boat to the Institution.

Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., chairman of the committee of management of the Institution, accepted the life-boat and handed her over to Eastbourne, on whose behalf she was accepted by Mr.

Ernest Armstrong, chairman of the branch and a member of the com- mittee of management of the Institu- tion.

The Right Rev. Walter Julius Carey, D.D., dedicated the life-boat, assisted by the Rev. L. E. Meredith, M.A., vicar of Eastbourne and the Rev. G. T.

Bellhouse, M.A., B.D., of the East- bourne Presbyterian Church. The singing was led by the Eastbourne and District Philharmonic Society. Lady Tollemache then named the life-boat Beryl Tollemache, and the life-boat was launched.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Charles Taylor, D.L., Member of Parliament for Eastbourne, and seconded by Mr. B. G. H. Brown, F.I.A., honorary secretary of the station. Lady Baring then unveiled a plaque which recorded that the electric clock on the boat-house had been placed there as a memorial to two former presidents of the Eastbourne Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. Edith Astley Roberts and Mrs. A. Muspratt Williams.

Ramsey, Isle of Man The new life-boat has been provided out of gifts to the Institution from the Thomas Corbett Charity. She is a 35 feet 6 inches Liverpool boat and is the ninth life-boat to be stationed at Ramsey. The naming ceremony took place on the 14th of July. The Rev. H. W. Young, chairman of the branch, presided, and Commander E. W. Middleton, V.R.D., R.N.V.R., district inspector of life-boats, described the boat. Mr. Laurence C. H. Cave, a member of the committee of manage- ment of the Institution, handed the life-boat over to Ramsey, on whose behalf she wasTeceived by the Lieuten- ant Governor of the Isle of Man, who is also president of the Ramsey branch (Air Vice-Marshal Sir Geoffrey Bromet, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O.).

The Bishop of Sodor and Man (the Right Rev. J. R. Strickland Taylor, D.D.) dedicated the life-boat, assisted by the Rev. Gordon Sayle, M.A., the Rev. J. Daintree, and the Rev. ,J.

Murray. The singing was led by the Ramsey Ladies' Cushag Choir and the Ramsey Male Voice Choir, 'accom- panied by the Ramsey Town Band.

Lady Bromet then named the life-boat Thomas Corbett, and the life-boat was launched.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. F. L. Cottier, J.P., chairman of the Ramsey Town Commissioners, and seconded by Mr. A. S. Kelly, J.P., M.H.K., T.C.

Porthdinllaen The new boat has been built out of a legacy from the late Mr. Charles Carr Ashley, of Mentone, France, who left money to provide and endow five life-boats. She is a 46-feet 9-inches Watson cabin life-boat and is the sixth life-boat to be stationed at Porth- dinllaen. The naming ceremony tookplace on the 12th of August. Captain R. E. Thomas, president of the branch, presided, and Commander E. W.

Middleton, V.R.D., R.N.V.R., the dis- trict inspector of life-boats, described the boat. Commander H. F. P.

Grenfell, D.S.C., R.N., a m-mber of the committee of management of the Institution, handed her over to the branch, on whose behalf she was accepted by Colonel W. H. Wynne- Finch, M.C., Lord Lieutenant of Caer- narvonshire.

The Rev. John Owen, M.A., dedicated the life-boat, assisted by the Rev.

William Thomas, B.A., B.D.. vicar of Nevin, .and the Rev. T. Nefyn Williams led the singing. Lady Carey Evans, president of the South Caernarvonshire Ladies' Life-boat Guild, then named her Charles Henry Ashley.

Commander Grenfell presented to Mr. J. E. Roberts, honorary secretary of the station, the inscribed binoculars awarded to him by the Institution, and a vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. William Ellis, vice-president of the South Caernarvonshire Ladies' Life- boat Guild, and seconded by Mrs. E.

Robyns-Owen, B.A., honorary sec-' retary of the Guild.

Portrush The new boat is a gift from the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, by which it has not only been provided, but en- dowed, and will be maintained. She is the seventh life-boat to be stationed at Portrush. The naming ceremony took place on the 17th of August, and Mr.

R. A. Chalmers, president of the branch, presided. Sir William Scott, O.B.E., presented the life-boat to the Institu- tion on behalf of the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, Colonel Richard Trenam, O.B.E., M.C., organising sec- retary for Ireland, accepted her on behalf of the Institution and handed her over to the branch, on whose behalf she was accepted by its honorary sec- retary, Mr. W. R. Knox, M.M., J.P., Co.C. and Lieut.-Commander W. L. G.

Button, R.D., R.N.R., district inspector of life-boats, described her.

The Rev. J. S. Pyper, B.A., D.D., dedicated the life-boat, assisted by the Rev. J.' T. Moffett-Blair, B.A., the Rev. D. B. E. Perrin, M.A., and the Rev. T. H. Holloway. The singing was accompanied by the band of the 1st King's Dragoon Guards. The Countess of Antrim then named the life-boat Lady Scott (Civil Service No. 4).

Votes of thanks were proposed by Mr. T. L. Bamford, J.P., and Captain E. L. Hamilton, and seconded by Mr.

G. W. T. McCann and Mr. J. Fisher, honorary treasurer of the branch.

Newcastle, Co. Down The new life-boat has been, built out of a legacy from the late Miss Anne Winsloe Clarke Hall, of Bournemouth.

She is a 35-feet 6-inches Liverpool boat and is the tenth to be stationed at New- castle. The naming ceremony took place on the 27th of August, and Dr.

Robert Magill, president of the branch, presided. Colonel Richard Trenam, O.B.E., M.C., organising secretary for Ireland, handed over the life-boat to the branch, on whose behalf she was accepted by its honorary secretary, Mr. J. Fergus McCartan and Lieut.- Commander W. L. G. Dutton, R.D., R.N.R., district inspector of life-boats, described her.

The Rev. W. Armstrong Jones, M.A., dedicated the life-boat and Mr. Gerald Annesley named her William and Laura.

A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. William Stevenson Corry, J.P., chairman of the Newcastle Urban District Council, and seconded by Mr.

William Gilmore, J.P..