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Stornoway, Outer Hebrides.—At 9.52 on the night of the 7th of September, 1949, the coastguard telephoned that the motor fishing boat Mayflower, which had gone with a crew of five, to SuUskcr Rock for Solan-geese, was overdue. A fishery cruiser was look- ing for her, but about 7.40 the next morning it was reported to have given up the search. Accordingly at 8.30 the life-boat William and Harriot left her moorings. There was a moderate north-westerly gale with a rough sea and rain. With the help of an aero- plane she searched all day, and re- fuelling at Loch Carloway in the even- ing resumed the search about 9 o'clock that night until she came up with a Norwegian vessel off the Butt of Lewis.

Learning that she had just released the Mayflower from tow, the life-boat picked up the crippled fishing boat and towed it herself to Skigersta. She arrived back at her station at 5.30 in the morning of the 9th.—Rewards, £36 5s..