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Newcastle, Co. Down.—At 9.50 on the night of the 15th of September, 1949, the coastguard reported that a motor fishing boat was in distress off Bloody Bridge and her crew shouting for help. The life-boat William and Laura was launched at 10.10 in a moderate sea, with a north-north-west breeze, and found the motor fishing boat Margaret, of Annalong, with a crew of two, two miles south of New- castle harbour. She had lost her Cpeller three miles south of the har- ir while bound for Annalong, and having no sails, her crew had tried to row her back. She was now at anchor, but making water; and her crew were exhausted. The life-boat towed them to Newcastle harbour and reached her station again at 10.45.—Rewards, £18 185. 6d,.