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Lord Runciman and Sir Lionel Halsey

THE Institution lost last year two very distinguished members of the com- mittee of management, the Viscount Runciman and Admiral Sir Lionel Halsey, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.C.I.E., C.B.

Lord Runciman, who died on the 14th of November, at the age of 79, became a member of the committee in 1916, and in 1932 he was appointed a vice-president. Towards the end of his life he took little part in the work of the Institution, but in his early years he was an active and valued member of the committee of management and its sub-committees.

Sir Lionel Halsey, who died on the 26th of October at the age of 77, was Comptroller to the Prince of Wales when the Prince was President of the Institution. He became a member of the committee of management in 1921 and in 1936 he was appointed a vice- president. For fifteen years he was president of the St. Albans branch, and took an active interest in its work..