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Linen In Public

A naval Lieutenant-Commander sta- tioned at Portsmouth recently received his clean laundry with one pair of socks missing. He reported the matter, and got back this reply from the Laundry.

16th November, 1949.

DEAR SIR, Re your inquiry regarding a pair of socks, we regret to inform you that they have been accidentally boiled, therefore, in order to settle this matter amicably will you please let us know what you claim as reasonable compensa- tion. ...

To this, the Naval Officer replied two days later: Accidents will happen, even to socks —I should have been very annoyed if my socks had been "fried " or "roasted " or "braised"—give a bob to the Life- boat Institution.

Action was then taken.

25th November, 1949.

DEAR SIR, We would like to thank you for your letter of November 18th, and we appre- ciated the spirit in which you, took this matter.

We have taken you at your word, and enclose herewith a receipt for 5 bob we sent to The Royal National Life-boat Institution.

We beg to remain, Sir, The Laundry..