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French Medals for Cromer

IN a whole gale on the 8th of July, 1948, the Cromer life-boat rescued the crew of sixteen men of the French collier Francois Tinier, of Dunkirk. For this rescue the French Government have awarded Coxswain H. T. Davies, the French Maritime Cross and Diploma, and each of the other eleven members of the crew the life-saving medal. The cross and medals were presented at Cromer on the 13th of September, 1949, by Capitaine de Corvette de la Loge d'Ausson, commanding officer of Ailette, of the French Navy, accompanied by his first lieut. nant, the French consular agent at Lowestoft, and one of his crew.

Captain E. O. Indor, D.S.O., R.N., chairman of the Cromer branch, pre- sided at the ceremony and the Rev.

Arthur Buxton welcomed the visitors, whom he had previously entertained to lunch. Commander H. L. Wheeler, R.N., district inspector of life-boats, described the rescue, and Capitaine de la Corvette de la Loge d'Ausson then pre- sented the medals. A vote of thanks to him and the French Government was proposed by Major E. P. Hansell, honorary secretary of the station, and was seconded by Coxswain H. T.

Davies. The Marseillaise and the National Anthem were sung and the life-boat was launched, with the French visitors on board. The ceremony was broadcast by the B.B.C. on the Home Service and Foreign Service..