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A Sailing Dinghy

Dunmore East, Co. Waterford. — At 3.55 in the afternoon of the 4th of September, 1949, some holiday visitors reported that a boat with a man and a small girl on board was on the rocks at the foot of Creadon cliffs. At 4.10 the life-boat Annie Blanche Smith left her moorings, with the honorary secretary, (Mr. A. Westcott Pitt) on board and the life-boat boarding boat in tow. A south-easterly breeze was blowing; there was a moderate sea. The life- boat hove-to off shore and the honorary secretary and two life-boatmen rowed to the foot of the cliffs in the boarding boat. There they rescued a man and his daughter from their sailing dinghy, which had been damaged and washed ashore trying to sail round Creadon Head. The life-boat returned to the harbour with the dinghy in tow, arriving at 6.10 that evening.—Re- wards, £3..