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A Canoe

Eastbourne, Sussex.—About 11.20 in the morning of the llth of September, '1949, the police reported that a canoe had capsized oil Falling Sands. The occupants, a man and his two small children, had been trying to round Beachy Head. Ten minutes later the life-boat Beryl Tollemache was launched, in a moderate easterly breeze with a moderate sea. She found the children in the sea one hundred and fifty yards off Cow Gap. Two life-boatmen jumped overboard and held them up until they could be lifted into the life- boat, where artificial respiration was applied; but no trace of the canoe or the man was found. Eventually, the life-boat returned to her station, arriv- ing at 12.20 that afternoon, and trans- ferred the children to a waiting ambu- lance. It was learned later, however, that they had died.—Rewards, £18 4s.