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The R.A.S.C. Motor Vessel Fagin

Wells, Norfolk.—At 10.4 on the night of the 16th of July, 1949, the Wells coastguard reported that a flare had been seen three miles to the west-north- west, and at 10.30 the life-boat Cecil Paine was launched, with the second coxswain in command. A moderate east-north-east breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The life-boat found the R.A.S.C. motor vessel Fagin, with a crew of four, two miles west by north of the harbour. The skipper wished to make the harbour and did not know the way. Two Ufa-boatmen boarded the Fagin, and she made for Wells guided by the life-boat, which reached her station again at 1.30 the next morning.—Rewards, £13 15*..