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The Last Survivor

JOHN HUBBARD, of Caister, who died on the 24th February, was the last sur- vivor of the crew of the Caister pulling and sailing life-boat which was driven back on the breakers on Caister beach, when on her way to a ship in distress, in a gale on the night of the 13th of November, 1901. She turned bottom up and her crew were pinned beneath her.

Two men, waiting on the beach for the boat's return, heard their cries. One was James Haylett, 78 years old, who for many years had been second-coxswain of the life-boat. The other was Fred- erick Henry Haylett, his grandson.

They rushed into the surf and be- tween tHem dragged out three of the crew. One of the three was John Hubbard. The other nine men were drowned..