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The Faroese Motor Vessel Ternan

Lerwick, Shetland*.—At 4.52 in the afternoon of the 3rd of August, 1949, the coastguard reported a message from the Thorshavn radio station that the Faroese motor vessel Ternan needed help twelve miles in an easterly direc- tion from Muckle Flugga, and at 5.29 the life-boat Lady Jane and Martha Ryland left her moorings. A strong northerly breeze was blowing, with a very rough sea and heavy rain squalls.

With the help of her wireless, she found the Ternan, a vessel of two hundred and six tons, bound for Bergen, with fifty- three on board. Her engine had broken down. The life-boat went alongside and, using the Ternan's wire rope, took her in tow. The wire parted and, as no other rope was available, the life-boat wirelessed to Lerwick and then stood by until the steam trawler Strathdevon arrived and took the Ternan in tow. The life-boat then returned to her station, arriving at 4.45 the next afternoon.^—Rewards, £35 14s..