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St. Clair

Longhope, Orkneys.—At 7.50 in the evening of the 23rd of August, 1949, the Kirkwall coastguard telephoned that the steam trawler St. Clair, of Grimsby, was ashore. The crew of the life-boat Thomas McCunn assembled, but about three-quarters of an hour later it was reported that the trawler had refloated.

The crew were dismissed. At 9.32 next morning the Kirkwall coastguard reported that rockets had been fired in the direction of Swona, and the life- boat was launched at 10.15 in a light south-easterly breeze. The sea was smooth but there was dense fog. The life-boat found the St. Clair lying on her side on the rocks on the west side of Swona two hundred yards north of Tarf Lighthouse, but her crew of four- teen had already got ashore in their small boat. One of them was left on the island to keep watch on the trawler and the life-boat returned to Longhope with the other thirteen, arriving at 12.24 in the afternoon.—Rewards: Assembly, £2 5s. 6d.; Service, £10 8s. 6d..