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St. Ives, Cornwall.—-At 4.43 in the afternoon of the 26th of July, 1949, the coastguard telephoned that the local pleasure boat Reaper, with a boat- man and twelve passengers aboard, had struck a rock between Wicca Point and Zennor Point, and the life-boat Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child was launched at 5.4 in charge of an ex-coxswain. A light west-north-west breeze was blowing, with a moderate sea. The life-boat met the Reaper returning. Her passengers were in two motor boats, which had made fast to the disabled boat, one on each side, and were bringing her to port. A life- boatman went on board the Reaper, to help in baling, and a rope was passed to her so that the life-boat could help in towing her. She was beached in the harbour, and the life-boat returned to her station at 6.15.—Rewards, £12 13s. 6d..