Campbeltown, Argyllshire.—On the 26th of June, 1949, the auxiliary ketch Pamela, bound for Oban with seven persons, ran aground in Glenehervie Bay in a dense fog. The owner went ashore, and at 3.30 in the afternoon telephoned for the life-boat. At 4.30 the life-boat City of Glasgow left her moorings in a light south-easterly breeze with a smooth sea. She found the ketch high and dry, passed a rope to her and pulled her clear. She then towed her to Campbeltown, reaching her station again at 3.20 the next morning.—Property Salvage Case.
telephoned for the life-boat. At 4.30 the life-boat City of Glasgow left her moorings in a light south-easterly breeze with a smooth sea. She found the ketch high and dry, passed a rope to her and pulled her clear. She then towed her to Campbeltown, reaching her station again at 3.20 the next morning.—Property Salvage Case..