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Holyhead, Anglesey. — At 6.10 in the evening of the 26th of June, 1949, the coastguard reported that the motor fishing boat Maureen, with twelve on board, had broken down off the Skerries.

She had reached Skerries Island, re- paired her engine and left again, but she had broken down a second time and returned to the island. From there the lightkeepers had wirelessed to the coast- guard that they had no food or accom- modation for twelve persons, and asked for them to be taken oft. A breeze from the south-south-west was increas- ing, there was a swell, and it was foggy, so the life-boat A.E.D. was launched at 7.25. She embarked the twelve per- sons, took the Maureen in tow, and arrived back at her station at 10 o'clock that night.—Rewards, £5 14s..