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Dr. Addison, of the Scillies

THE Institution has lost an old and valued friend by the death at the begin- ning of January of Dr. W. B. Addison, M.D., the chairman of the Scilly Islands branch.

For fourteen years, from 1918 to 1932, he was the honorary secretary of the station, and on his retirement he was presented with the Institution's inscribed binoculars and its thanks on vellum. Whenever he thought that his help as a doctor might be needed, he went out in the life-boat in spite of the fact that for many years he suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. He was awarded the Institution's thanks on vellum for going out in November, 1927, when the Italian steamer Isdbo was wrecked on the Scilly Rock in a dense fog and a very heavy sea, and thirty-two lives were rescued by the life-boat and other boats..