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Doris and Colley

Ramsgate, Kent.—At 3.45 in the afternoon of the 1st of July, 1949, it was reported from the East Pier that a R.A.S.C. launch had broken down and was drifting towards the North Goodwin Lightvessel. The life-boat crew were assembled, but the launch got under way and went south. It was then seen that a number of small rowing boats, containing members' of the Metropolitan Police Sea Angling Society, were making for the harbour.

A squally east-north-east breeze was' blowing with a heavy swell and it was evident that, without help, two of them would not reach it. The life-boat Prudential was launched at four o'clock, and found that the two boats were the Doris and Colley, manned by eight police officers. She took the men on board and with the two boats in tow reached her station again at 4.40. A letter of thanks was received from the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.—Rewards, £7 7s. 6d..