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St. David's, Pembrokeshire.—At 12.15 in the morning of the 27th of July, 1949, during a dense fog, the coastguard telephoned a wireless message from the motor vessel Dawlish, of London, that she was ashore at North Bishop, At one o'clock, accompanied by the honorary secretary, Dr. Joseph Soar, M.B.E., Mus-Doc., the life-boat Civil Service No. 6 was launched. The westerly breeze was moderate, but the sea was rough. The life-boat found the Dawlish near the Daufraich and Moelyn rocks between South Bishop and Carreg Rhoson. She was laden with coal and bound for Bideford. She had struck the rocks and was in a dangerous posi- tion. The fog cleared slightly and the life-boat was able to guide her until she reached clear water under her own power. The skipper than asked the life-boat to escort his vessel to Milford Haven. This she did and then re- turned to her station, arriving at nine o'clock that morning. — Rewards, £15 10s..