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An Aeroplane

Barmouth, Merionethshire. •—• About half-past ten in the morning of the 29th.

of July, 1949, information was received from the R.A.F. at Valley, Anglesey, and from the Fishguard coastguard that an aeroplane had come down in the sea six miles west of Barmouth, and at 10.40 the life-boat The Chieftain was launched. A strong west-north- west breeze was blowing and the sea was rough. Helped by wireless mes- sages and directed by aeroplanes, the life-boat reached the position at 11.20.

She found the wreckage of the aero- plane, and the pilot in a rubber dinghy.

She rescued him and then searched the wreckage for a second airman.

She found him, but he was dead. She arrived back at her station at 12.20 in the afternoon. The R.A.F. com- plimented the crew of the life-boat on their good work and the Barmouth Urban District Council and the Coroner paid tribute to their efficiency.

—Rewards, £7 10s..