A Small Boat (1)
Runswick, Yorkshire.—On the morn- ing of the 31st of July, 1949, the life- boat mechanic, with a telescope, was watching a yacht manoeuvring and saw a small boat, two miles east of Runswick Bay, flying a distress signal. It was then 11.45, and the life-boat Robert Potion — The Always Ready, was launched at 12.35. A strong west- north-west wind was blowing, with a very choppy sea. The life-boat found a small motor boat making for Skin- ningrove from Whitby, half full of water. She had four men and camping equipment on board. With some diffi- culty the crew hauled the men into the life-boat, took their boat in tow, and returned to Runswick, arriving at 1.45 in the afternoon.—Rewards, £14 6s. 6d..