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A Rubber Dinghy (4)

Newhaven, Sussex.—At 6.15 in the evening of the llth of August, 1949, the coastguard telephoned that a rubber dinghy was drifting out to sea, and at half past six the life-boat Jane Holland, on temporary duty at the station, was launched. There was a moderate breeze, with a slight swell. The life- boat found the dinghy one and a half miles south-east of Newhaven East Pier. She had been blown from Sea- ford Beach. On board were a man and a woman. They were in bathing dress and were exhausted. The life-boat took them on board, fed them and landed them at Newhaven at 7.15.

The life-boat crew then lent them clothes and sent them by car to Seaford, where they were staying on holiday.—Rewards, £7 12*. 6d.