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A Rubber Dinghy (3)

Shoreham Harbour, Sussex.—At 5.55 in the evening of the llth of August, 1949, the coastguard telephoned that a resident of Lancing had reported arubber dinghy in difficulties two to three miles to the west-south-west, and the life-boat Rosa Woodd and Phyllis Lunn was launched at 6.18 in a light north-westerly breeze with a slight sea.

She found the dinghy with an uncon- scious boy on board. Nearby were two small boats. They had tried to help, but had been defeated by the strong ebb tide and off-shore wind.

The life-boat rescued the boy, took on board the persons from the two small boats,' took the boats in tow, and wirelessed to Shoreham for a doctor to meet her. After she had landed the boy at Shoreham, she took the others, and their two boats, to Lancing, and arrived back at her station again at nine o'clock.—-Rewards, £8 19s..