Advanced search

The S.S. Donaghadee and Arestal

Clogher Head, Co. Louth.—At 8.15 on the night of the 1st of April, 1949, the Civic Guard reported a message from the Coast Life-saving Service that the s.s. Donaghadee, of Belfast, was aground at Castlerock, Dundalk Bay, with a broken rudder.

The life-boat Mary Ann Blunt was launched at 8.40 in a moderate south- easterly breeze, with a moderate sea, and thick fog. On the way, she was hailed by the motor vessel Arestal, of Portugal, which was trying to find Drogheda Bar. At the master's re- quest, two life-boatmen boarded her and helped to navigate her to the bar.

The life-boat then resumed her course and after a long search found the Donaghadee off Cooley Point. She had refloated and was awaiting a tug.

As the life-boat was not needed she made for Port Oriel, arriving at 7.30 the next morning and reached her station again at 11.30.—Rewards, £23 13s. 6d..