Advanced search

David M. (1)

Caiiter, and Great Yarmouth and Gorlet- ton.Norf oik.—At 7.55 in the morningof the 2nd of April, 1949, the Great Yarmouth coastguard telephoned to the Caister life-boat station information, received from Lloyd's agents, that the motor vessel David M., of London, had been aground on North Scroby Sands since midnight. The life-boat Jose Neville was launched at 8.10, in a light south- easterly breeze with a light swell, and at 8.40 found the David M. three- quarters of a mile east by north of West Scroby Buoy. The water was too shallow for a tug to get near her, so the life-boat helped to move her a few yards. At 10.10 the Great Yar- mouth and Gorleston life-boat, Louise Stephens arrived. The Gorleston coast- guard had informed her station at 7.28, at 8 o'clock the agents for the David M.

had asked her to take out stevedores to dump the vessel's cargo, and at 8.3Q she had left her moorings and embarked the men. She put them aboard the David M., passed lines to her, and then she and the Caister life-boat began to pull. An hour later they refloated the David M. and piloted her to deep water. The Louise Stephens re-em- barked the stevedores and the David M.

made for Norwich. The life-boats then returned to their stations, Caister arriving at 12.30 that afternoon and Great Yarmouth and Gorleston at 1.50 —Property salvage cases..