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A Memorial at Clacton-On-Sea

ON the 14th of November, 1948, a memorial plaque to Second-Coxswain Frank Castle, of the Clacton-on-Sea life-boat, was unveiled in the boat- house.

The plaque is inscribed with these words: " In memory of Frank Castle, second- coxswain of the Clacton-on-Sea Life- boat, who served in her for 38 years and lost his life on service, on April 7th, 1943, when the barge Tarn O'Shanter capsized in heavy weather while being towed by the life-boat." Councillor Mrs. F. M. H. Coleman, M.B.E., J.P., president of the Clacton Ladies' Life-boat Guild, a member of the branch committee, and an honorary life-governor of the Institution, un- veiled the plaque, and it was dedicated by the Rev. G. E. Higgins. At the end of the ceremony a bugler sounded the Last Post and Reveille and a wreath of poppies was laid on the plaque..