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Stornoway, Outer Hebrides. — About 4.30 in the afternoon of the 2nd of December, 1948, the coastguard tele- phoned a message received from Cross- bost Post Office that a motor fishing vessel, the Triumph, of Stornoway, appeared to be in a dangerous position at the entrance to Loch Erisort. She had made no distress signals, but at 5.30 it was reported that she was making flares, and at 6.50 the motor life-boat William and Harriot left her moorings. A fresh south-south-west gale was blowing, with a heavy sea.

The life-boat, using her searchlight, searched widely, but found nothing and returned to her station at 10 o'clock that night. As there was still no news of the Triumph at midnight, it was decided to renew the search at day- break. At 7.45 the next morning the life-boat again put out, and found the Triumph's crew of five on the Island of Tabhaidh. The Triumph had drifted ashore the previous evening and had sunk. The life-boat took the men on board and returned to her station at 9.30.—Rewards, £19..