The S.S. Peterjon and the S.S. Tungenes
Ferryside, Carmarthenshire. — About 8.30 in the evening of the 1st of De- cember, 1948, The Mumbles coastguard telephoned that the s.s. Tungenes, of Stavanger, had reported that she was aground off Llanelly, with her rudder broken, and the motor life-boat Caroline Oates Aver and William Maine was launched at 9.26 in a fresh south- easterly gale, with a very rough sea.
The life-boat first came up with the s.s. Peterjon, of London, which asked for a pilot. She then found the Tungenes, half a mile south-west of Pembrey Old Harbour. The steamer was high and dry and did not need immediate help, but wculd be in danger of capsizing at liigh water, so the life-boat made for Burry Port. She arrived at 4 o'clock the next morning, and went out again with a pilot at 8 o'clock. She put him aboard the Peterjon and then stood by the Tun- genes while tugs tried to get her clear.
They failed and the life-boat returned to Burry Port at 8 o'clock. There it was decided she should remain, while the gale continued, ready to go out again to the help of the Tungenes, or to any other ships which were in danger.
The wind blew at nearly gale force for a fortnight, and it was not until the 15th that she returned to her station.— Rewards, £54 175. 6d..