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The S.S. Beltoy

Wick, Caithness-shire.—At ten o'clock on the night of the 24th of February, 1949, the medical officer reported that a wireless message had been received from the S.S. Beltoy, of Larne, lying off Keiss Harbour, Sinclair Bay, that her captain was suffering from hemor- rhage and needed immediate help. A fresh west-north-west breeze was blow- ing with a moderate sea, and, as no suitable small boat was available, the life-boat, City of Edinburgh, was launched at 10.20 with the medical officer on board. He treated the captain, but did not consider that he need be brought ashore, and the life- boat reached Wick again at 1.15 in the morning.—Rewards, £9 10s. 6d..