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The Seine Net Fishing Boat Marie Leach

Troon, Ayrshire.—At 9 o'clock in the morning of the 24th of December, 1948, information was received that a vessel was on the Black Rocks two miles south of the harbour, and the motor life-boat Sir David Richmond of Glasgow was launched at 9.42, in a light north- easterly breeze with a slight sea and fog. She found the seine net fishing boat Marie Leach, of Belfast, loaded with herrings for Ayr, high and dry.

The life-boat could not get close to her so one of the fishing boat's crew of six put off to her in a small punt. He said that two of the crew had gone ashore to arrange for a tug to refloat her at high water, and asked that the life-boat stand by at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. She returned to her station arriving at 10.50, and at 3.40 that afternoon put out again on the rising tide with the two members of the crew of the Marie Leach and stores. She also took her boarding boat with her, and by means of it put the two men and stores on board the Marie Leach. A tug had arrived, and the life-boat helped to pass a tow line across. The tug then pulled the Marie Leach clear, but the line fouled the Marie Leach's propeller. Again using the boarding boat the life-boatmen cleared the pro- peller sufficiently for the Marie Leach to make headway and, at the skipper's request, the life-boat escorted her to Ayr. She then left for her station, arriving at 7.45 that evening.—Re- wards, £17 Is..