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Lerwick, Shetland*.—While the life- boat Lady Jane and Martha Ryland was out on exercise in the afternoon of the 27th of January, 1949, information was received at the station that a man at Baltasound, Unst, had been badly injured, and the County Medical Officer asked for the services of the life-boat.

She was at once recalled by wireless, and at four o'clock put out again with a nurse and a medical orderly. A moderate south-westerly gale was blow- ing, with a rough sea. The life-boat reached Baltasound at half-past eight and took on board the man, who had a broken arm and a broken leg. She left at 10.15 that night and reached Lerwick again at half past three next morning. There the patient and his attendants were transferred to a waiting ambulance.—Rewards, £28 5s..