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Hervor Eratt

Stornoway, Outer Hebrides.-—At 3.15 in the morning of the 28th of January, 1949, the coastguard telephoned that the motor ship Hervor Eratt, of Gothen- burg, of 1500 tons, bound for Sweden with coke, had reported that she was ashore at lasgair Rock, off Trodday Island. The life-boat William and Harriott was launched at 4.20 in a fresh south-south-west breeze with a choppy sea and found the vessel off Fladda-chuain Island. She carried a crew of twenty-three, but most of them had got ashore. After speaking to the captain the life-boat took on board twenty men, leaving the captain and two of his officers in the Hervor Bratt to await a salvage vessel. She reached her station again at 2.45 that after- noon.-—Rewards, £17 15*.

In gratitude for this service and services to another Swedish vessel by the Whitehills and Buckie life-boats on the 8th and 9th of January, the Swedish Life-boat Society presented the Insti- tution with a plaque and a diploma..