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Cramond Isle and Rodull

Stromness, Orkneys.—At 9.3 on the night of the 8th of January, 1949, the Kirkwall coastguard telephoned that the engine of the outward bound Hull trawler Cramond Isle had broken down, that the trawler was leaking badly, and that, although she was in tow of the Icelandic trawler Rodull, she had asked for the life-boat. A fresh north-north- west breeze was blowing and the sea was rough. The life-boat J.J.K.S.W. was launched at 9.19, but at 10.30 was recalled as it had been learned that the leak was then under control. Radio messages between the two trawlers were then intercepted, and as they indicated that the Rodull was not familiar with Stromness a further message was sent to the life-boat not to return, but to meet the vessels, escort them, and provide them with a pilot. The life-boat met the trawlers twelve miles south-south-west of Sule Skerry and guided them to Hoy Sound where a life-boat man was put aboard the Rodull.

Both vessels were then piloted into Stromness Harbour and the Rodull piloted out again. The life-boat then went alongside the Rodull, and re- embarked the pilot and returned to her station, which she reached at a quarter past six in the morning.—Rewards, £21 2s..