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Woodlark and Fishing Vessel Saphir

Sennen Cove, Cornwall.—At 4.35 in the morning of the llth of October, 1948, the coastguard reported a message from the British steamer Woodlark that she had collided with and sunk the fishing vessel Saphir, of Camaret, three miles north-west of Longships, and that she had picked up one survivor of the boat's crew of six. The motor life-boat Susan Ashley could not be launched at once, owing to the state of the tide, but she got away at 5.39. A light south- westerly breeze was blowing, with a slight swell, and there was mist. The life-boat found the Woodlark eight miles north-west of the Longships and helped in the search for the five missing men, but found nothing except an empty up- turned dinghy and wreckage. At the request of the Woodlark the life-boat transferred the survivor to another French fishing boat and then returned to her station, arriving at 11 o'clock.

The French Consul at Southampton sent his thanks.—Rewards, £20 4*..